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How to Winterize Your Car: The Most Important Things You Can Do

Some people face a considerable amount of snow every winter. Depending on where you live, you might be wondering – is winterizing a vehicle necessary? We’ve got the answers you need to come out of this season safely on the other side. To save some time, let’s summarize.

If your car will be sitting all winter, fill the fuel tank before parking it. There are no special steps required to winterize a vehicle that is driven regularly. Make sure the oil is the correct spec and that the coolant mixture is sufficient to withstand freezing. Also, use windshield wiper fluid that is designed to withstand freezing.


Is Winterizing Your Car Worth It?

Our modern cars come equipped with remote start, heated seats and superior safety ratings, but we are told time and time again to winterize them. Aren’t they prepared to survive in the cold weather already? Can’t we merely maintain them instead?

You’ll hear two schools of thought when you ask if winterizing a vehicle is necessary. Many shop owners preach that winterizing your car is essential to protect against harsh conditions. That makes sense unless you live in Florida or Southern California, or somewhere else that enjoys perpetual summertime weather.

Other people see the winterizing process as a way to market more products. It’s argued that modern vehicles are equipped to handle whatever gets thrown at them already. If you properly maintain your car, they contend, you are doing everything possible to prepare it.

The bottom line is that the season shouldn’t matter. You always need to take care of your vehicle whether it’s winter or summer. With that said, there are still some things you’ll want to do to ensure everything runs smoothly in wintertime.

Winterizing 101: Fluids

At the start of winter, make sure you double check all your fluids. If you are taking your car for regular maintenance or you spend time working on it yourself, you most likely have this covered already.


Your coolant is most important when the temperatures drop. The effectiveness of automotive coolant is based on the ratio of water to antifreeze. You want to protect the engine with the right water/antifreeze mixture to keep the fluid from freezing in your radiator. Double check your owner’s manual to determine the proper coolant for your system.


In some areas, you might want to switch to a thinner oil. This is helpful when temperatures regularly drop below freezing. Motor oil is always measured by the viscosity. The W in 5W30 stands for winter. The lower that number is, the better it performs in colder temperature. Typically, you would use a 5W oil for colder weather, but this isn’t the case for every car, so you will want to consult your owner’s manual or talk to a trusted auto repair shop to find the right oil for your situation.

Washer fluid

One of the fluids that often goes overlooked is the windshield washer fluid. Some people simply pour water into the reservoir when they run out of washer fluid – this will cause the tank to crack when temperatures drop below freezing. If you plan to drive in freezing temperatures or below, you’ll want a true washer fluid designed not to freeze. It’s the only way to keep your windshield clean during the winter.


Tire Pressures Drop in the Cold

If you have low air pressure or worn-out tires, you face more danger on slick and wet roads. Make sure you inflate your tires to their proper PSI. This is important no matter where you live and what weather conditions you face, but winter weather will reduce the pressure inside your tires by several PSI – requiring more air to stay properly pressurized.

If you plan to drive in winter weather, you might want to consider snow tires. Running a high-performance summer tire in the winter will make your life extremely difficult. Snow tires provide you with the extra traction you need, but you need to take them off as soon as the weather turns warm again. They aren’t meant to be driven on year-round and will have reduced tread life compared to a standard tire.

The better option for most people is to run an all-season tire. These are suitable in winter or summer and you won’t need to change them out each season. We aren’t going to cover tire chains or spiked tires in this article – those are reserved for extreme snow and ice conditions found at high altitudes and high latitudes.

Batteries Must Work Harder

Winter weather will often reveal a weak or failing battery. Your battery’s cranking capability is naturally reduced by the cold weather. Take the time to inspect your battery, cables, fluid and terminals to ensure your car will start properly. Check the connections at the battery terminals – if you suspect a bad battery, hop down to your local auto parts store to have it tested.

Your local auto parts store can also help you determine the ideal cold cranking amps (CCAs) for your car and the climate in which you live. This is a measure of the battery’s ability to crank the engine when it hasn’t been running recently, and more CCAs are needed to start an engine in cold temperatures.

Inspect the manufacture date as well. If it’s several years old, you might want to plan on getting a new battery at the first sign of any trouble. In addition, when you go to buy a battery, make sure that the manufacture date isn’t more than six months old.


An Emergency Roadside Kit Could Save Your Life

We’ve talked about the importance of packing a roadside kit before, and it’s best to begin doing so before winter begins. The biggest thing to consider is what your particular needs are with this kit. Still, there are many items that all drivers should keep on hand, just in case. Some of them include road flares, a first aid kit, lug wrench, flashlight, coolant, snacks and water.

If you are concerned about winter weather, you’ll want to add some kitty litter, an ice scraper, brush, small shovel and some blankets as well. These items and more will constitute a kit that could save your life or the lives of your passengers if a winter drive turns into disaster.


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Be Patient With Your Car!

People can be groggy in the cold and so can cars. For example, your door locks can freeze in colder weather. You could even break your key if you attempt to force your locks open. Most people think you can use warm water, but that isn’t a good idea because it can re-freeze easily and cause even more problems.

Hardware stores, auto parts stores and discount stores all sell glycerin de-icing sprays which are useful for this situation. Just think about where you are going to store it, because if you keep it in your glove box, then you won’t be able to get it when you are frozen out!

Instead, consider leaving a tube in several places, one at home in your garage and another in your desk. That way, if the locks freeze, you’ll have some options.

Also, give your car a few minutes to warm up on days where the temperature is near or below freezing – even new cars.


Keep up on Regular Maintenance

No matter where you live and what season you’re facing, you still want to keep up on regular maintenance. This is your best protection against the elements and helps keep your car running properly.

If you don’t know how to maintain or winterize your car yourself, you want to seek out a trusted mechanic to take on those duties.

If you do your own maintenance, during your regular inspections make sure you check the belts, spark plugs, hoses, and various electrical connections to help prevent a breakdown. No one wants to stand on the side of the road during a snowstorm or downpour, especially thanks to a preventable problem.

In summary, the answer to whether or not winterizing a vehicle is necessary depends on where you live and the conditions you face. Winterizing techniques are intended to protect your car’s systems from extreme temperatures. If you rarely see temperatures below freezing, you probably don’t need to winterize your car unless it sits for a long time. Just keep driving it and be patient with it during those cold days.

If you take steps to protect yourself on the road by taking every precaution possible, you’ll make it through this winter without any drama at all. From your car, that is.

Winter provides a great opportunity to fix any of your car’s problems – even its paperwork. Dirt Legal offers VIN Checks, Vehicle Accident Reports, and title replacement for cars, motorcycles, and almost anything with wheels. Click the links to learn more about our services.

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