Montana LLCs: VIN History

Why VIN Checks Are A Must When Buying A Used Car

Why VIN Checks Are A Must When Buying A Used Car

Have you got your eye on that particular used car or truck? Be careful; things aren’t always as they appear! You should order a VIN number check to find out the whole history of the vehicle, not just the parts that the seller chooses to disclose.

Pre-Purchase Inspections are Fast, Cheap, and Could Save You Thousands

Pre-Purchase Inspections are Fast, Cheap, and Could Save You Thousands

A pre-purchase inspection usually costs less than $100 and takes less than 1 hour to complete. You will learn about upcoming repairs and maintenance needs as well as the vehicle’s overall safety and condition.

What if the VIN on the Car Doesn’t Match the Title?

What if the VIN on the Car Doesn’t Match the Title?

A VIN mismatch on a car title often stems from a transcription mistake during the registration process.